Seminar on “Development of Standards of Municipal Services, Costing Methodology and Formulation of Municipal Assignment for Rostov-on-Don”

Client: Administration of Rostov-on-Don

Project Manager: Galina Kurlyandskaya

Project Duration: August 27-28, 2009

The seminar addressed municipal administrative staff, line and territorial bodies of the Administration of Rostov-on-Don and was attended by 251 officers.

The addenda of the scientific and practical seminar included lectures on the following topics:

  1. Municipal assignment as an instrument to optimize budget spending.

  2. Municipal service: Definition and classification

  3. Assessment of demand for municipal services

  4. Quality requirements (standards) to municipal services

  5. Municipal assignment for municipal services

  6. Municipal assignment funding

  7. Municipal assignment in the health care sector: specific features and funding

  8. Municipal autonomous institutions: legal regulation and status