July 29-30, 2010, CFP experts took part in the Steering Committee Meeting devoted to the second Global Observatory on Local Democracy and Decentralisation (GOLD II) preparation

On July 29-30, 2010, CFP experts Galina Kurlyandskaya and Natalia Golovanova took part in the Steering Committee Meeting devoted to the second Global Observatory on Local Democracy and Decentralisation (GOLD II) preparation. Meeting took place at the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) office in Barcelona.

On the photo: Galina Kurlyandskaya (Center For Fiscal Policy, Russia), Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (Georgia State University, USA), François Yatta (Consultant),  Natalia Golovanova (Center For Fiscal Policy, Russia), Mehmet Tosun (University of Nevada-Reno, USA), Rassikh Sagitov (UCLG Euro-Asia Secretariat) , Luiz de Mello (OECD), Paul Smoke (New York University, USA).