On 26-27 October 2010 Galina Kurlyandskaya took part in the 2nd Regional Policy Roundtable "Towards a new generation of Governance reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia"

On 26-27 October 2010 Galina Kurlyandskaya took part in the 2nd Regional Policy Roundtable on re-assessing the Governance reform agenda after twenty years of transition and the global economic crisis: "Towards a new generation of Governance reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia", which took place in Astana, Kazakhstan. The event was co-organised with UNDP Kazakhstan, Public Administration Academy and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Around 20 internationally renowned scholars, policy practitioners and experts, took part in the discussion.

The roundtable objectives was to discuss the longer-term Governance reform agenda, integrating the lessons from the transition experience and the economic crisis. The main agenda blocks were:

  1. Re-assessing the role of the State after the crisis;

  2. Public finance management as a key ingredient of Governance and of crisis responses;

  3. Governance reforms - the way forward, revisiting known structural aspects of Governance that affect institutional stability and resilience, with a view to outline a new agenda for reforms.

G. Kurlyandskaya delivered her presentation on “How improved efficiency of public spending responds to the global economic crisis: the Russian Federation case of Governance reform agenda”.